Our Saint Timothy "St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry" is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30am-11am. For more information on the program, please call our Heart Line at 716-939-2018.
The red Sanctuary Candle burns all week to remind people of the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. You can memorialize our candle at Saint Timothy Parish for a week for a deceased loved one, a living person, or a special intention. The Intention name and Donor’s name will be published in our weekly Light of Christ bulletin. The suggested donation for the 7-day candle is $10. All submissions must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the week you are requesting to accommodate bulletin printing deadlines. Please contact our Parish Office for scheduling requests.
We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to the newest members who have joined Saint Timothy Parish: Carolyn Beyer, Dennis and Karen Brown, Hilary Craig, Diane DiMaggio, Anita Faulise, Monica and Keith Ferreri and children Samantha and Matthew, Joann Folts, Matthew Green, Michael and Christine Gruener, Robert and Allison Hoadley and children Amanda and Michael, William and Mary Lembke, Louis Morrocco, Mr. and Mrs. J. Niedzialowski, Frank and Kathleen Source, and Mr. and Mrs. William Swartzman! May you find joy, peace, and a true sense of belonging here as we walk together in faith!
We’re delighted to announce the new parishioners that have joined our Saint Timothy Parish faith community! Please join us in welcoming: Salvatore and Deborah Castrogiovanni, Peggy Crawley, Scott Davignon, Frederick and Patricia Dirr, Jeffrey Dirr, Lori Ernst, Thomas Godry, Patti Guadagna, Ken and Mary Hillyard, Debra Kendzior, Roseann Lazzaro, Fred Lupp, Brian and Kaitlin Macie, Elizabeth Marcotte, Marilyn Marcotte, Michael Nunziato, Lynn Rataczak, Anthony Stevens, Suzanne Vorburger, Walter Wozniak, and Carmela Yuhnke! We are excited to have you with us! May you find joy, peace, and a true sense of belonging here. As we continue our journey as followers of Christ, we look forward to growing in faith together. Welcome to our Saint Timothy family!
We joyfully welcome our newly baptized Louis Robert and Francis George Oliveri into the Catholic faith at Saint Timothy Parish! Your baptism marks the beginning of a beautiful journey of faith, love, and spiritual growth. You have our prayers and support. May God's grace and blessings be with you always!
We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to the new members who have joined Saint Timothy Parish in recent months: Karen Baryza, Kathryn Berowski, Christine Bognar, Zane Britton, Albert Bruno, Kaitlynn Daul, William Goode, Rose Hayes, George and Debra Higgins, Robert and Allison Hoadley, Leona Jaszczut, Diane Juliano, Michael and Sandra Mayer, Joel Palma, Jacquelynn Paolucci, Paul and Sarina Pittorf, Helen Ryan, Pauline Sciog, and Roxanne Sortino! United in faith, we rejoice in the strength and love that comes from being one in Christ. Together, we grow stronger, supporting one another on our spiritual journeys and building a vibrant, compassionate community. May you find joy, peace, and a sense of belonging as we walk together in faith!
Welcoming our newest members in the Catholic Faith! We’re overjoyed to announce that Aspen and Declan Maria have celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism at Saint Timothy Parish, embracing new life in Christ as members of our Roman Catholic faith! We warmly welcome Aspen and Declan into our faith community and offer our prayers and support for them and their families as they begin their blessed journeys!
If you need to contact any of the St. Timothy parishioners currently representing our parish on our "Light of Christ of the Northtowns" family of parishes pillar committees, you can send email to [email protected]. The contacts & committees are: Liturgy: (Mass and Sacramental Scheduling) - Carrie Gravelle, Spiritual Life: (Devotions and Retreats) - Mary Ashman, Forming Disciples: (Adult and Youth Formation, Religious Education and RCIA/OCIA) - Judy Papaj, Outreach/InReach (Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship) - Joanne DiBenedetto, Stewardship: (Short-term Fundraising, Hospitality, Volunteering) - Vacant, Administration: (Governing, Personnel, Budgeting and Data) - Judy Tomasini.
Kenmore Mercy Hospital is looking for a Specialized Counselor-Coach (per-diem position) to provide spiritual and emotional support for patients, families and staff within the context of illness, suffering, loss and death. Prefer active, practicing Catholic with pastoral and/or counseling experience and with at least two years of experience in health care, education, counseling, mission or spiritual care. For more information, contact Dennis Mahaney at [email protected] or 716-447-6360.
Catholic Charities Appeal 2024 is in its final month through June. If you haven’t yet donated, now is the time. No gift to Appeal 2024 is too small because every dollar makes a difference. In fact, each dollar raised during the annual Appeal leverages an additional $5-$6 of government support and contracts. Truly every dollar counts because more funding means more services for those in need in our communities. Give HOPE today at www.ccwny.org/donation or text HOPE4WNY to 44321.
Camp Turner Summer Registration is open! Space is beginning to fill up for the summer. Whether your child is returning for another great summer or has never been to an overnight camp before, then take advantage of one of WNY’s best summer camps. Camp Turner has been serving children for over 100 years in a safe, nurturing, and developmental environment. Our first aid and CPR certified staff undergo an extensive background check and attend a weeklong dedicated training to understand how to best serve and care for your young ones. Our camp mission is "Honoring God in the children confided to our care." You can reach the camp with questions at 716-354-4555 or email [email protected]. Register now or get additional information at: campturner.com.
Thinking about separation or divorce? Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend heading for divorce? Retrouvaille is designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. The program is highly successful in saving hurting marriages. For more information, call 716-474-9371 or visit https://www.helpourmarriage.org. All calls are confidential and pre-registration is required.
St. Timothy’s is looking for several Eucharistic Ministers to make home calls. Please stop in the sacristy either on the weekend or during the week and leave your name and contact info. You may also call the office on Tuesdays between 10am and 3pm. We are also looking for additional Eucharistic Ministers to help each weekend at the Sunday 7:30 am Mass. Members from other parishes are also welcome to help. If you are able to help, please stop in the sacristy and give us your name, contact info, and availability. Thank you.
As Holy Week invited us to journey alongside Christ in His suffering and triumph, consider how you can respond to God's call in your own life. If you feel drawn to the Catholic priesthood, take the important first step of making a phone call to learn more. Trust that God's grace and guidance will accompany you as you discern this sacred vocation. Contact Fr. Dave Baker at 716-847-5535 or visit buffalovocations.org
During the Easter season, we celebrate Christ’s triumph over death and his promise of eternal life for those who come and turn their hearts to Him. Through His sacrifice and glory, He gives us every reason for HOPE. May your hearts and homes be filled with joy and overflowing gratitude for God’s love for us. Appeal 2024 is ongoing. If you haven't already done so, please help us provide some hope to those in need through Catholic Charities at www.ccwny.org/donate or by texting HOPE4WNY to 44321. Thank you.
Volunteer Opportunity: Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center's Spiritual Care Department needs Eucharistic Ministers. If you have time and would like more information, contact Minnie Wyse, Spiritual Care Department at 716-845-8051. Thank you.
HOPE when you are troubled. Dominic was ready to give up. “I had lost my job, had no relationships with anyone, and was having money problems. I was mad, sad, and didn’t see a future for me,” he said. However, when he came to Catholic Charities, he discovered hope. “For the first time I could remember, I felt like someone was really listening to me and wanted to help. If it hadn’t been for them, I don’t know where I’d be today.” Your gift to Appeal 2024 helps ensure that people like Dominic get help when they need it most. Give today at www.ccwny.org/donate or by texting HOPE4WNY to 44321. Thank you.
Pray for families who actually sell their children to be able to eat, and for those who are tricked into sending their children with traffickers with the promise of education and a better life. Alliance to End Human Trafficking (founded and supported by US Catholic Sisters), 7575 Grand River Rd., Suite 109, Brighton, MI 48114. For more info, go to sistersagainsttrafficking.org
Greetings from the "Admin Pillar" group of our Family of Parishes #17! Thanks to all who participated in "Looking for a Name for Family #17". We received over 170 suggestions. Our Pillar has selected the top 5 entries and we ask that you cast a vote for your favorite. Here are the choices: 1. Disciples of the Holy Eucharist Family. 2. Lumen Christi “Light of Christ” of the Northtowns. 3. Catholic Faith Family of the Northtowns. 4. Grand Ken-Ton Faithful Journey Family. 5. Communion of Saints. Please email your entry to [email protected] or use the tear-off sheet in the bulletin & return it. Votes should be submitted by Sunday, February 18th. We will count the votes and announce the new Family #17 name in the near future. Everyone can vote but ONLY ONE VOTE please! Thank you!
“An obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it!” St. Paul didn’t want to disappoint the God who had called him into ministry. If you feel you're being called to a Church vocation, contact Fr. Dave Baker at 716-847-5535 or visit buffalovocations.org