Our Saint Timothy "St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry" is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30am-11am. For more information on the program, please call our Heart Line at 716-939-2018.
The red Sanctuary Candle burns all week to remind people of the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. You can memorialize our candle at Saint Timothy Parish for a week for a deceased loved one, a living person, or a special intention. The Intention name and Donor’s name will be published in our weekly Light of Christ bulletin. The suggested donation for the 7-day candle is $10. All submissions must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the week you are requesting to accommodate bulletin printing deadlines. Please contact our Parish Office for scheduling requests.
We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to the newest members who have joined Saint Timothy Parish: Carolyn Beyer, Dennis and Karen Brown, Hilary Craig, Diane DiMaggio, Anita Faulise, Monica and Keith Ferreri and children Samantha and Matthew, Joann Folts, Matthew Green, Michael and Christine Gruener, Robert and Allison Hoadley and children Amanda and Michael, William and Mary Lembke, Louis Morrocco, Mr. and Mrs. J. Niedzialowski, Frank and Kathleen Source, and Mr. and Mrs. William Swartzman! May you find joy, peace, and a true sense of belonging here as we walk together in faith!