We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to the new members who have joined Saint Timothy Parish in recent months: Karen Baryza, Kathryn Berowski, Christine Bognar, Zane Britton, Albert Bruno, Kaitlynn Daul, William Goode, Rose Hayes, George and Debra Higgins, Robert and Allison Hoadley, Leona Jaszczut, Diane Juliano, Michael and Sandra Mayer, Joel Palma, Jacquelynn Paolucci, Paul and Sarina Pittorf, Helen Ryan, Pauline Sciog, and Roxanne Sortino! United in faith, we rejoice in the strength and love that comes from being one in Christ. Together, we grow stronger, supporting one another on our spiritual journeys and building a vibrant, compassionate community. May you find joy, peace, and a sense of belonging as we walk together in faith!
Welcoming our newest members in the Catholic Faith! We’re overjoyed to announce that Aspen and Declan Maria have celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism at Saint Timothy Parish, embracing new life in Christ as members of our Roman Catholic faith! We warmly welcome Aspen and Declan into our faith community and offer our prayers and support for them and their families as they begin their blessed journeys!