If you need to contact any of the St. Timothy parishioners currently representing our parish on our "Light of Christ of the Northtowns" family of parishes pillar committees, you can send email to [email protected]. The contacts & committees are: Liturgy: (Mass and Sacramental Scheduling) - Carrie Gravelle, Spiritual Life: (Devotions and Retreats) - Mary Ashman, Forming Disciples: (Adult and Youth Formation, Religious Education and RCIA/OCIA) - Judy Papaj, Outreach/InReach (Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship) - Joanne DiBenedetto, Stewardship: (Short-term Fundraising, Hospitality, Volunteering) - Vacant, Administration: (Governing, Personnel, Budgeting and Data) - Judy Tomasini.
Kenmore Mercy Hospital is looking for a Specialized Counselor-Coach (per-diem position) to provide spiritual and emotional support for patients, families and staff within the context of illness, suffering, loss and death. Prefer active, practicing Catholic with pastoral and/or counseling experience and with at least two years of experience in health care, education, counseling, mission or spiritual care. For more information, contact Dennis Mahaney at [email protected] or 716-447-6360.
Catholic Charities Appeal 2024 is in its final month through June. If you haven’t yet donated, now is the time. No gift to Appeal 2024 is too small because every dollar makes a difference. In fact, each dollar raised during the annual Appeal leverages an additional $5-$6 of government support and contracts. Truly every dollar counts because more funding means more services for those in need in our communities. Give HOPE today at www.ccwny.org/donation or text HOPE4WNY to 44321.