Pray for families who actually sell their children to be able to eat, and for those who are tricked into sending their children with traffickers with the promise of education and a better life. Alliance to End Human Trafficking (founded and supported by US Catholic Sisters), 7575 Grand River Rd., Suite 109, Brighton, MI 48114. For more info, go to
Greetings from the "Admin Pillar" group of our Family of Parishes #17! Thanks to all who participated in "Looking for a Name for Family #17". We received over 170 suggestions. Our Pillar has selected the top 5 entries and we ask that you cast a vote for your favorite. Here are the choices: 1. Disciples of the Holy Eucharist Family. 2. Lumen Christi “Light of Christ” of the Northtowns. 3. Catholic Faith Family of the Northtowns. 4. Grand Ken-Ton Faithful Journey Family. 5. Communion of Saints. Please email your entry to [email protected] or use the tear-off sheet in the bulletin & return it. Votes should be submitted by Sunday, February 18th. We will count the votes and announce the new Family #17 name in the near future. Everyone can vote but ONLY ONE VOTE please! Thank you!
“An obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it!” St. Paul didn’t want to disappoint the God who had called him into ministry. If you feel you're being called to a Church vocation, contact Fr. Dave Baker at 716-847-5535 or visit
St. Timothy Parish is always seeking opportunities to encourage and increase participation of current and new parishioners! Ministry Interest Cards are available in St. Martha’s Chapel. Opportunities are available to serve on the altar, with the choir, as ushers, greeters, lectors, and as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Our In-Reach/Out-Reach "Road to Renewal" Pillar group cares for our families and the community, inside and outside of the Church. We are exploring the ministries of our Family of Parishes to design a future with our shared resources. Is God calling you to a certain ministry? We invite you to join us in growing the future of our Church!