The Saint Timothy’s Sunday 10am Mass is changing to 10:30am starting December 24th. All Faith Formation class times will remain 9:45-11:45am with the students now attending the 10:30am Mass. Faith Formation classes for grade 4-8, and the Confirmation class, will resume on December 31st, 2023. Faith Formation classes for grades 1-3 will resume on January 7th, 2024. Wishing a Blessed and Merry Christmas to all our Faith Formation families from the Saint Timothy Faith Formation program!
With the new Family of Parishes Mass Schedule, St. Timothy Parish is currently accepting Mass Intentions up through June 30, 2024. Please stop by the rectory on Tuesdays during normal business hours. At this time, we cannot receive intentions over the phone. We currently have 3 weekday & 2 Sunday masses with the new schedule. We are offering each person up to 2 Masses, one weekday and one Sunday. We apologize for any inconvenience. Offering Masses for loved ones, living and deceased, is the "most powerful" prayer!
If any 10th, 11th, or 12th grade high school students (all high school students whether public or Catholic schools) are interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in Spring 2024, please contact the St. Timothy Faith Formation office at 716-875-9430 or [email protected]. Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation which gives the fullness of the Holy Spirit. This gift of the Spirit completes baptism and bestows a special strength that enables one to be a witness to Jesus Christ, more perfectly binding one to the Church and allows one to worship the Father in spirit and truth!
As we prepare for a change in our Parish Mass Schedule, we need to look at scheduling those who lector and distribute Holy Communion as well as usher. If you are interested in continuing in these ministries we need you to sign up for either 7:30am or 10:30am Mass. We will then need to set up a schedule for those wishing to continue in these ministries. Sign up sheets will be available in the sacristy for the next 2 weekends. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not wish to continue in these ministries. Thank you to all those who participate in these important ministries for our parish!
Ladies of Charity are collecting donations of hats, gloves and scarves for the Giving Tree. Gift cards will be placed on the Christmas Tree in St. Martha’s Chapel. Thank you for your generosity!