If you are a Eucharistic Minister here at St. Timothy's and would be willing to visit home-bound parishioners to administer Holy Communion, please call the rectory. We are in need of your help. Thank you.
No gift to Appeal 2022 is too small. In fact, each dollar raised during the annual Appeal leverages an additional $3 to $4 of government support and contracts. More funding means more services for those in need, like affordable and accessible mental health counseling and basic needs assistance like food and clothing. Your donation helps strengthen and empower thousands of individuals and families across the eight counties of Western New York. To make a donation today, visit www.ccwny.org/donate or text GIVEHOPE22 to 44321. If you need help, go to www.ccwny.org/services or call 716-218-1419 or the office in your area. Thank you.
The St. Timothy Parish Ladies of Charity are requesting donations of any new baby items to be given to the various places that help expectant mothers. There will also be baby bottles for donations of loose change which will be given to Harvest House. Donations will be accepted until Sunday, April 24th. Please place donations in the playpen in St. Martha's Chapel. Thank you!