There is no greater time to be a priest in Buffalo! Be part of the renewal and help shape the future of our diocese - as a priest! It's a redefining moment, as the Road To Renewal builds up steam and the Pilot Parish-Families begin their work. The Road To Renewal will bring many changes to the life of our diocesan priests: more fraternity with brother priests, more community in working together, and new styles of collaboration with deacons and lay ministers. If you hear the call to "Put out into the deep water..." (Luke 5:4), please email [email protected] or call 716-847-5540.
In addition to supporting Catholic Charities, Appeal 2022 also benefits the Fund for the Faith. Established in 1937 by Bishop John Duffy out of concern for those in need of spiritual comfort due to hardships of the Great Depression, the Fund for the Faith continues to provide spiritual nourishment throughout our diocese today. Proceeds provide ministry support services that are instrumental to the vitality of our faith experience and enable us to more effectively spread the Gospel message of Christ’s love. With the pandemic ongoing, donations to the Fund for the Faith are more important than ever as we extend comfort to all of God’s people – our family, friends and neighbors alike. Please support Catholic Charities and the Fund for the Faith by visiting or text GIVEHOPE22 to 44321 today. Thank you.