If you need to contact any of the St. Timothy parishioners currently representing our parish on our "Light of Christ of the Northtowns" family of parishes pillar committees, you can send email to [email protected]. The contacts & committees are: Liturgy: (Mass and Sacramental Scheduling) - Carrie Gravelle, Spiritual Life: (Devotions and Retreats) - Mary Ashman, Forming Disciples: (Adult and Youth Formation, Religious Education and RCIA/OCIA) - Judy Papaj, Outreach/InReach (Evangelization and Missionary Discipleship) - Joanne DiBenedetto, Stewardship: (Short-term Fundraising, Hospitality, Volunteering) - Vacant, Administration: (Governing, Personnel, Budgeting and Data) - Judy Tomasini.